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Bacon Lettuce and Tomato

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Bean Salad

Hot Tomato Bacon

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Bean Salad

Make sure all the cans are about the same size.

Mix the following ingredients together

one 12 - 16 ounce can green beans, opened and drained
1/2 teaspoon dried dill spice or rinsed and minced fresh dill
1/4 cup vinegar
1 tablespoon olive oil

Allow to marinate for at least one hour.

one 12 - 16 ounce can chickpeas, drained

pick one or two of the following
*optional one 12 - 16 ounce can red beans*
*optional one 12 - 16 ounce can navy beans*
*optional one 12 - 16 ounce can white beans*

Mix the green bean mixture, the chick peas and the optional beans together in a bowl. Serve

Posted: May 13, 2016 

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